+31683251448 info@altenaclassics.nl Opening hours: After telephone appointment

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Yamaha XT600 Téneré 34L

Tenere – or as the French write it: Ténéré – is one of the many Tuareg words for 'emptiness' or 'desert.' The better-known Arabic Sahra [Sahara] has the same meaning, but just as the Inuit have multiple words for snow, the nomads of the Sahara distinguish between various types of deserts and regions. The Tenere is an especially desolate and waterless plain that occupies the northeastern corner of Niger.

Price: Sold


Mailing address:

 Altena Classics BV
 van der Dussenlaan 16
 4271 AP Dussen
 the Netherlands
 +316 - 83 25 14 48

Visiting address:

 Altena Classics BV
 Rijksweg 76A
 4255GM Nieuwendijk
 the Netherlands
 +316 - 83 25 14 48
Opening hours:
After telephone appointment